The Story of J

This is my diary.

These are my words, thoughts, feelings, sucesses, failures, desires and fears.

This is my life.

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Location: United States

Sunday, July 18, 2010

The only constant is change...

So many changes are happening right now. I am a flitter of emotions. I am happy, scared, excited, sad....all in one. But I am ready to make changes I have been delaying for one reason or another. I knew when I started this year that THIS year would be the year when things changed...when I was going to start making some real important decisions about the life I want to lead. So far that has rang true. Some changes I was aware of and others not so much. I spend alot of time thinking to myself and hopefully soon I hope to get back to writing more. For now I am living in the moment....dreaming of what life will look like year from now.

P.S. I saw one of the most attractive red haired men I have ever seen in my life. Just gorgeous...*adds redheads to my fetish list*


Blogger J. said...


I ended up dating that redhead a year later. :-)

6:20 AM  

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