The Story of J

This is my diary.

These are my words, thoughts, feelings, sucesses, failures, desires and fears.

This is my life.

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Location: United States

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

A Sunday Meeting

Sometimes...most throws in curveballs. The kind you never expected...the kind you never wanted. That is until you got them and they you realized they weren't so bad after all. This weekend was one of those curveballs.

My story really starts last week as I started to prepare for this weekend. After some talking, A. and I agreed to meet for lunch on sunday to have a face to face talk that I would have to say was long overdue. So as the week lurched on I spent my time working on what I would say. I spent quite a bit of time online researching different types of BDSM relationships, desperately trying to find something that would support the type of relationship I envisioned in my mind. Well honestly, it wasn't an easy find. And in fact, I really didn't find anything. So by saturday night I was feeling rather unprepared. Sunday morning arrived and I headed down the highway to meet him for lunch. I gave him a call but didn't get an answer. I assumed he was either in the bathroom or asleep so I didn't pay it any mind. However after my second call as I was getting closer to his home with no answer I started to worry. I arrived at his home to find neither his car or his girl's there. After sitting a while, I took a ride to his girl's job and asked her where he was. She then informed me that he had lost his phone and was running errands and going to a friend's house later. I excused myself to the bathroom to breathe as my face was getting redder by the moment. I came back out and told her I would be on my way back home. She said she would talk to him and told her not to bother. I left and got in my car and screamed. After calming down I went back by the house and when I didn't see his car I started to head home. Before I got to the highway I stopped at a gas station and asked for directions to a Barnes and Noble that his girl had mentioned he would be going to. Have a ride to the BnN and not seeing him I headed back toward the highway. I decided to stop by his house one last time. I pulled up and saw his car. I parked beside it and walked to the door, knocking on the door. After a few moments he opened the door a crack and peeked out. I stood at the door and clutched my keys in my hands. One if I needed to hit someone with them..two if I needed to get away quickly afterwards. He asked if I was ok and I simply nodded wordlessly. He invited me to come in and apologized for forgetting about our lunch date. I sat on the sofa and didn't speak for a long time. I didn't even look at him. I looked at everything, anything else I could find. After some small talk I cracked a smile at him and talked but the anger was still there. We then later went to dinner and after the dinner I felt reluctant to put my food in the togo box. He asked if I had anything to say but I was still too angry to speak on the topic that was the reason for my trip. As we drove home I asked him "You never answered my question. The one I asked you and you said you would answer today".His reply to me was "What is the question?" Again I was angry. I then asked him if he even paid attention to anything I say. I asked him if I was the kind of woman he would look for in a submissive. And he replied yes. As we got closer to his home I realized that my day was wasted and I told him how angry I was with him and how I didn't want to be, but that it was hard when I felt that he had forgotten such an important thing. I told him I wasn't even sure that I wanted to ask what I come to ask. I confessed him my need to be important and cherished. We pulled up in front of his house and I was expected him to get out and call it a night but he had invited me in to talk more. I sat back in my spot and we talked more. We started discussing the things I was looking for and what I was needing in my life to grow in this lifestyle. As we were talking I noticed he kept wiggling his hand so I sat by his feet and rubbed his hand for him. I was so angry at him still but it was hard to stay that way. We made an agreement to draw up a contract by the end of June and to keep our relationship private from those in our group. I have no desire to have people in my business, especially with the luck I have. Not to mention I do still want to be approached by Doms. I realize that with A., the idea of being the kind of slave that his girl is, is slim to none. Our relationship will be and has been for sometime, a Daddy/lil girl relationship. Which from now on, I will refer to him as "Daddy". He admitted to me that he was still interested in me even after taking on his girl but didn't want to pressure me, for which I am grateful. I went down there half expecting him to turn me down because of his new situation. Granted this is not a situation I ever imagined myself in, and even many times rejected the idea completely. However, I am willing to try. I guess at this point, I have seen all the crappy stuff. I am sure I am due for some good things at this point. I am nervous, naturally. I have never been under contract so this will be completely new to me for sure. But on the other hand, I feel more secure in this than I have in the past. I decided I needed to get serious or get out. Since I can't leave, and you all know I have tried...I'll get serious and see where this road is going to lead me.


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