The Story of J

This is my diary.

These are my words, thoughts, feelings, sucesses, failures, desires and fears.

This is my life.

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Location: United States

Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Today in one of my group counseling classes we decided to talk about dreams. So each person went around the circle and told a dream and let the class interpret it. When it came to my turn I described for the class the following dream:

There is an all white room. Simple 4 wall, 4 corner design. I walked in to the room and it went pitch black with the exception of a small beam of light from some mysterious window. Standing in the beam of light is a woman who is draped in a cloak. I can't see her face. I can only hear her voice. The room is dark and creepy but her presence is comforting. Sometime during this time a man appears in the room behind me. I can't see him but I know he is there. The man says "permit permission that she may look upon me" I panic and shake my head and the woman says "permission granted". I scream in horror at her answer. It was at that moment that I woke up.

My class looked at me perplexed at such a deep dream. Its one I had years ago, a couple times and have never forgotten. Suddenly one of my classmates looks to me and says, "The woman in the cloak is you". I looked at her as if she was nuts but she continued. She said that it was me going through an internal conflict. The woman was me, telling myself that it was time for me to deal with an issue (the man). My screaming was my resistance to do so. I sat there completely stunned as it made almost perfect sense. I have alot of issues to deal with that I have been avoiding. I am constantly going through a personal conflict. Maybe that dream was a time that it was time for me to face my fears. The biggest irony is that of all of the dreams to remember, I would remember that one to share with my class. A sign maybe?


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