The Story of J

This is my diary.

These are my words, thoughts, feelings, sucesses, failures, desires and fears.

This is my life.

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Location: United States

Thursday, May 31, 2007

"I want some booty!" (Perspective Part 2)

That was the catalyst for a half hour discussion in my class tonight.

My classmates and I (5 of us) along with our instructor were sitting in a circle having a discussion when one of my classmates let out this statement which sent the rest of us in an uproar. My classmate is about 5'7" and maybe 110 lbs wet. She has long brown hair and brown skin. In other words, modelesque. She is what the rest of want to look like. We all looked at her in astonishment. My classmate to my left was the most upset by this statement. She said, "what are you complaining for? You have your health, beauty and you have a boyfriend right? What more do you need?" Her questioning made me pause. The truth was set free. For some reason, my dear classmate who I find to be one of the most attractive women, skinny or plus size, that I have ever met, felt that her size had prevented her from having a boyfriend. I feel that way sometimes myself but the conviction in her voice as she asked her questions was chilling. Almost, sad.

I guess if I learned anything from this incident, small as it may seem, that we all had jealousies in some form or another. I guess again, lifestyle aside, its all about keeping things in perspective. I think all of my classmates are beautiful. Seriously.

To steal a line...."There is nothing to be jealous about."


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