The Story of J

This is my diary.

These are my words, thoughts, feelings, sucesses, failures, desires and fears.

This is my life.

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Location: United States

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Black Beat- My Weekend

So a week has passed and I have had time to internalize the weekend of festivities. I feel like I am going through a drop. I miss it already. Who knew I would enjoy it so much?

I flew to the conference with a Domme friend of mine. The flight was basic, nothing much to it. I am quickly learning this summer that I really enjoy flying. Its so great to be able to arrive at a destination in the same day. I think our flight only took an hour. It was hardly time to even close your eyes before we were hitting the runway. The hotel was basic. Nothing truly special about it. We were supposed to have a roommate but she canceled out on us. I wasn't too bummed out about it, especially when I saw our room had 2 full beds and not 2 queen beds. We are some big women and that was alot of hips to fit in a bed. Well within an hour of getting to the hotel I was informed that we would indeed have a roommate. I wasn't too pleased to hear this but I figured since she was a friend of my roommate she would be sleeping in her bed. NOT. I had to share my bed. I was pretty pissed about that and honestly, kinda still am. We had a casino night the first night and between the lack of sleep and the irritation of having to share a small bed, I didn't really want to go. Add to that 2 dommes who were asking me to do everything on earth and I was not a happy camper. Our group also did a hospitality reception. I wasn't very pleased about having to shell out well over $30 for the affair. I didn't feel like that was my dime to spend. Especially since it wasn't my idea to host the party. But I grinned and bared it. However, don't let Thursday fool you. Friday was a new day.

Friday was the beginning of the conference. I got up and jumped in the bathroom before anyone else so I could get dressed and get out of the room asap. As I was ironing my clothes, my Domme friend made the comment that she didn't know I knew how to iron. I kinda laughed because I found that to absurd. Who the hell can't iron? So I laughed and said, "Well its not like I tell Dom's that. They would have me doing housework all the time". To which she replied "Do you know what part of your problem is?" I remember just looking up from my iron, which oh by the way, was her dress and glaring at her. She quickly informed me, without my expressed interest, that I was too outspoken, too honest and that my attitude turned Doms off. That it was the reason why I was single. My initial reaction was to ask her who she was with, but I already knew that answer so I just decided to finish the ironing and get downstairs as soon as I could. She informed me she wanted me to meet her friend and I just nodded my head and politely informed her that I had no interest in men older than my daddy. She said I needed to stop looking for a boyfriend and the line that irritated me the most....that I needed to learn that "it wasn't about me". I remained silent for the rest of my time in the room and put her dress on the bed. I then decided it was in my best interest to leave the room before my irritation go the best of me. I was late to my second class (or was it the third?) so I had to stand in the back of the room. It was actually the only class I was truly interested in seeing. It was a class on edge play, which you know is fast becoming one of my favorite types of play. I must admit I was slightly enamored with the presenter. I had met him the day before and I could barely keep my eyes on his. I wish we had more time for the class. It was really interesting and I could tell the crowd was engaged. He said he was going to do a fire presentation later that night at the dungeon so I made sure to have myself present for that. I think I skipped the second presentation (or was that the third? Who knows..) to go to the mall. I had unfortunately left my makeup brushes at home and bareminerals doesn't go on well with anything else. The Black and White ball was that night it was very well done. I was amazed at the outfits people had put together. I was very happy with the dress my mother had done for me. The food was rather bland. Sad to say, the best part was the rice. Afterwards we went back to the room and changed to go to the dungeon. On my way to the bus a woman stopped to compliment me. She said she loved my dress and my shoes. I actually got several compliments on my shoes. I loved them but the killed my feet. They are definitely shoes that were only made for fucking. As I was stepping off the bus and walking into the dungeon the man from the presentation, O, stopped to make a comment that my shoes didn't look like "good girl" shoes. I kinda giggled and blushed. Like a dork. I followed friend to the top level of the dungeon which had an awesome view of what was going on in every corner. Not long after I had settled did my Domme friend introduce me to the Dom with whom she had mentioned before. He looked to be in his late 60's....or more. You know black people age slower than others. We sat down and talked and he asked me that same tired question that people always ask "what is the difference between and sub and a slave". So I gave him an answer. My answer. Of course it was wrong. But I swear there are a million and one ways to answer that damn question. He then went on to tell me about how to avoid predatory dominants and how new subs like myself needed to be informed. At that point I politely interrupted him and asked him what he had been told about me. At this point I was so frustrated with being talked to like I was a 5-year old that I was about to cry. He said nothing but I know better. His discussion was too focused. I then informed him I was not new and he gave me his card and asked for me to contact him. I haven't decided if I will or not. I was so irritated at this point that I headed downstairs and ran into one of my favorite Dommes who then informed me t hat she was about go back to the hotel. I almost jumped through hoops to gather up everyone so we could get back. I was walking so fast to the van that I fell and skinned my knee. Damn sexy shoes. Unfortunately I had gathered too many because I ended up in the back of the van laying on my stomach trying desperately to keep my short dress down and keep from handing out free peek shows. Twice the police rode behind our van and I was afraid they would pull us over for unrestrained passengers but by some grace of God, we passed by without a problem. When I got back to the hotel I kicked my shoes off and pulled out some flip flops and headed toward my friends room to tell her about the "talk". I then asked her if I could sleep in her room that night and she was happy to have me. Later that night, when the bus had arrived, several groups had more after parties. After one of the parties I found myself at the end of the hallway with O and his submissive, I, who I had quite an unusual attraction to. I am not normally drawn to women but I was to her. Others joined us and several conversations ensued. During the midst of these conversations I felt his hand caressing my thigh. I was at that point more concerned with his subs reaction but I didn't even see her flinch. I think that's why I was in awe with her. I could tell she was comfortable in her position. Now that's a goal to strive for. As the conversation went on...the caresses got higher and more deliberate. After a dwindling in the crowd he turned me around and had me face a wall as he pushed my dress above my waist and pulled my panties between my ass and started to spank me. I kinda forgot anyone else was around and then found myself with my head on his shoulder and his finger on my clit. For the first time in my life, I came (for real, no faking) from another person touching my clit. I was in amazement. I loved the way he whispered in my ear. I sat at his feet while he caressed my hair and continued to talk. I was in my own space by that point. The most special and memorable part of the weekend was when he informed his girl that they would be walking me to my room. He walked me to my room and kissed the top of my head. I stepped in the room and peeked out and watched the two of them walk back to their room, holding hands. I wish I had a picture of it. It was a very special moment for me. It gave me hope. I went into the room and grabbed my night gown and pillow and headed down to my friends room. She inquired as to what happened and I told her. She laughed and said "I know, it's why I left". She saw it way before I did.

I woke up late on Saturday. I had stayed up way past my bed time. I think I made it up just in time to go to the luncheon and the submissive roundtable. I was kinda disappointed the speaker didn't get to talk long. I was kinda looking forward to what he had to stay. But the weekend was running off schedule. Such is life right? I really enjoyed the round table. Not really for what was said but for the ability to look around the room and see soooo many black submissives. I didn't feel quite so lonely for a bit there. I guess I still don't. I was a little weepy listening to different stories and all I could remember is feeling my friends hand on my back. I don't think she has ever seen me cry. Especially not in public. But I was having a moment. A good moment. I do regret that I didn't do more networking. I went and took a nap before getting up for dinner before getting ready for the dungeon. I got to the dungeon and they started a Dom/sub auction not long after arrival. O went up for bid and I got beat by one bid. It kinda sucked but it was shocked I would even have the courage to bid as hard as I did. He passed by me and said that he would see me at the hotel later that night. My Domme friend was a bit appalled that he would play with another girl besides me but I wasn't bothered in the least. He had spent the previous evening with me. That said alot more. I did do my first public scene with a Domme friend of mine. She did a spanking with hot wax. I loved it. I have a hickey on my ass as I write. Tee Hee. That night there were MORE afterparties. I drank way too much alcohol that weekend. I will have to be more careful next year. My Domme friend wanted me to hang out with her but I was really more interested in seeing O again. I saw him in the hall and his face looked disturbed. He exclaimed that he couldn't find his girl. Its been a long time since I have seen such concern on a man's face for his woman. Luckily she was ok. The evening got late and I told him I was on my way to bed. He asked me to hang back a few minutes and we walked downstairs to the lobby to talk. We went back upstairs and he kissed my lips and told me to get my cell phone so I could take his number. He licked my nipples before letting me head to my room and go to bed. I was a happy girl.

Sunday was the day we were set to head home. I was awoken by questions about a first aid kit. I got in bed at 8 am that morning so I was irritated to be awoke before time. It seems that a friend of mine cut her leg with a dagger and needed stitches. I love her but she needs to learn how to play with the toys first. We got packed up and went to sit in the lobby. I got a goodbye swat on my ass from I and a big hug from O before the shuttle took us to the airport. I got back to her house and got my car and headed home. I was so wound up that I called my friend and asked him to fuck me. Unfortunately he had to work Sunday night but told me to come by Monday. He left a key for me. I was in shock. I never had a key to a man's house. I told him about the trip and he fucked me harder than he ever has. Its Thursday and I can still feel it. But what I loved the most was laying in his arms. He's not as exciting as many Dom's I have met, but by far more loving.

I have called O a couple times but unfortunately he has been busy. I hate to call so much I want him to know I am interested. I also emailed his sub. I really enjoyed meeting her. I think that's the part that amazes me the most.

So that's my weekend in the nutshell. I would write more but my fingers are getting tired. Maybe I will add more later.

This weekend is the weekend for my group. Its a back to school theme and I am really feeling the need to dress up and do the school girl thing.


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