The Story of J

This is my diary.

These are my words, thoughts, feelings, sucesses, failures, desires and fears.

This is my life.

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Location: United States

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Happy people don't write poetry.

I think I heard that phrase at sometime in my life. Or maybe it was just an observation I made on my own. But in any case, its the truth. Rarely do you read "happy" poems. Why? Because the poet is too busy being "happy" to stop an write. The same goes for a little caramel complexioned submissive in NC. Right now, I am happy. I have very little to complain about. I am kinda broke but I get paid soon and my bills are paid up for now so no biggie. I just have to cut back on eating out, which I need to do anyway. Black Beat is just around the corner and my momma is making a dress that is way more beautiful than anything I could have bought on a rack in store. My hair dresser said my hair is starting to grow back in and my job is stress free. But the best part of all of this is that said dominant from my "Death of Dominant" post is back in my life. We did the dinner and a movie thing Saturday night. I got bold and asked him to show me his new house. I spent the evening playing with his dog and teasing him about his dirty place. After some net surfing for BDSM sites and porn I found myself in the all too familiar position of on my knees at his feet. I could tell it had been a while since he had a woman to do all the things he wanted and allowed him to resume the dominant role. That was my hope for the evening. To remind him of the things he has missed in the past few years. I have succeeded with overwhelming results. We chat almost daily and I plan to take him to his first BDSM event within the next couple of months. Ohh and I asked G. if he would call me and his reply to me was "I'd love to". Can I just take a minute to squeal?! And you all know I am so not a squealer. Ohh and to finish out this happy post and go back to my happy bed in my happy life, this is an email I received from one of my favorite Dommes in response to a post I made online. I grinned for nearly an hour after I read it.
"Hey girl, I just had to drop you a line and tell you that I AM SO IMPRESSED WITH YOU and have been since the day we met. Your answers to questions are ALWAYS so well thought out and expressed with clarity and are really so HONEST AND OPEN......For a young lady who is so young, it is so great that you have thoroughly thought out who you are and what you want. It was good to see that you don't have a problem being dominated by a woman either, lol.......(OK, I really smiled at that one) Perhaps we can play at BB. I'm looking forward to seeing you again........"
How sweet is that?! :)


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