The Story of J

This is my diary.

These are my words, thoughts, feelings, sucesses, failures, desires and fears.

This is my life.

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Location: United States

Monday, July 09, 2007

Guess who's coming to dinner

No seriously, guess...

Give up?

D. No, I didn't stutter. No I'm not making jokes. D. has decided to show up again in my life. I received an email from him last week, maybe on friday, saying that he missed me and was wanting to "pick things up again". I was so shocked when I looked at the email that I closed the window and opened my email again just to make sure that I was in the right damn account. But it was from him alright. I sent a reply and instantly his reply came back. We talked back and forth like this for a while, I avoiding his question about getting back together, until I had decided I had enough of the charade. I came out and asked him if he had found another woman and he said yes but it was after he had lost my number. Yeah, he lost my number and didn't have access to the internet. WTF ever. He said she wasn't in the lifestyle and that it was over. 6 fucking months, ladies and gentlemen. He did not call or write me in 6 months and I was supposed to just say "ok". He asked if I was serving anyone and I replied that I was interested in someone. Which is very true. But details need not be disclosed. In any case, I was outraged, hurt, saddened, and in disbelief. Why couldn't he have stayed gone? And now he has decided that he wants to come to Black Beat with us. Just great. But allow me to be truthful. I have missed him greatly. But not that much. Not enough to be stupid again. So I guess the best thing at this point is the let it ride. The truth of his intentions will come out sooner or later. They always do.


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