The Story of J

This is my diary.

These are my words, thoughts, feelings, sucesses, failures, desires and fears.

This is my life.

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Location: United States

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Just Great.

So today I had the lovely pleasure of picking up my financial aid check. I was so exciting about my meeting tomorrow and the arrival of C. and G. that I hurried to Torrid to pick out a school girl skirt and stockings. I got this cute white blouse and a pair of mary jane's from Target.

I came home and washed my hair and started packing my bag. At about 2:15 am I get a message from C. that they can't make it. Needless to say, I am pissed. I cancelled my previous date with said Dom from "Death of a Dominant" so that I could be in full form for these 2. Now he is working tomorrow night. I am so pissed I could spit fire. I am in a mood and I seriously hate when I get in moods like this because I start doing stupid things to get out of it. Its times like this when I start wanting a relationship and foolishly find one.

Damn Damn Damn!

Now I am not even sure if I want to go anymore. I am afraid it would only make my mood worst. I guess sometimes in times like these the best thing to do is just read and do homework and let it pass.

So much for my ride on cloud nine.


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