The Story of J

This is my diary.

These are my words, thoughts, feelings, sucesses, failures, desires and fears.

This is my life.

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Location: United States

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

September 11th

It's September 11 again.

It's always an awkward day for me. It was in 2001 and still is in 2007. I woke up this morning and walked out of the house leaving my counseling tapes. I parked my car and left my folders in the trunk. My professor was talking to me and I blanked out in the middle of the conversation. I just stared at her like I had no good sense whatso ever. Nothing was coming together. I went to the office and left my books there when I got off. Like I said, just an off day. I was told to stay home tomorrow and normally I would argue it but I think I do need the time off. I came home and layed on the sofa for a bit until my momma came in and asked me how I thought I would last working 2 jobs and school. I hate to quit my second job but I don't think I have been this tired since my first semester of school and that was a hell I don't want to relive.

I actually had planned on writing about my weekend tonight but you know, its just one of those days. So I think I'll make a feeble attempt at keeping up on my homework and listen to my new CD's. P.S. Kanye's CD is way better than 50's. Don't waste the money.


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