The Story of J

This is my diary.

These are my words, thoughts, feelings, sucesses, failures, desires and fears.

This is my life.

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Location: United States

Thursday, December 06, 2007

It's the most wonderful time of the year

It most certainly is!

I finished classes today. No more more work. I am thrilled. I can finally sleep in and do nothing. That will last all of 2 days before I start looking for things to do. Sitting still long never seems to work well for me. One of the coaches told me he was going to miss seeing my bright smile in the mornings. Awww! My supervisor asked me to come back next week and of course, for her, I have to. I am going to miss her so much!!

I hate holiday traffic...I can't stand bitchy holiday shoppers but I still go out in the chaos anyway. Whenever I am getting irritated with it all I call my best friend so she can give me her patented "It's the most wonderful time of the year". I love her. The holidays wouldn't be the same without her.

She and I also say that D likes to show up once a season, you know to check in on me, place claim, whatever it is that he does. *Checks my calender* Aaaaaand he is right on time! Yeah he wrote today. With the whole I miss you yadda and I want to see you stuff. I reminded him that I still lived in the same place and still had the same phone number. I don't know why he does that. I can't figure out for the life of me why he writes. Even after I tell him how horrible of a person he is, he still writes. Part of me wants to believe he is changing into a better man, an honest man. But I hear the words and never see the actions. Not ever.

I got a call from Orpheus on my way home tonight and it was nice to hear his voice. I haven't talked to him or Indigo in such a long time. Though I haven't really talked to much of anyone lately except my pillow and a few textbooks. A couple days ago a friend of mine gave me the URL of a picture he had put up that was taken during my trip to California. I really like the picture. He mentioned that the family structure had changed since the picture was taken and I could tell it wasn't easy for him. He has a very good post on polyamory under the picture. I was very impressed with it. It had examples and science behind it and rarely can you argue with proven science. My own attempts at poly have been less than desirable but I haven't given up hope. At least not yet. I guess I am just determined, or stubborn. He mentioned that I must have alot of friends because he had heard several good things about me. That just made me glow. I have a couple friends here and there but to have people pass on good words about me always makes me feel like a million bucks. I have a few weeks out for Christmas and he told me to check on flight prices but wow...they are $500 or more. If I had the money I would definitely go. I really haven't been the same Jessica since I have been back. I have been told such on more than one occasion.

Tomorrow is Friday (TGIF) and it is my hope to spend the weekend finishing up my holiday shopping and finding a quiet spot somewhere to sit and think and maybe even do some writing. I am in a really good mood. I hope this feeling lasts.


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