The Story of J

This is my diary.

These are my words, thoughts, feelings, sucesses, failures, desires and fears.

This is my life.

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Location: United States

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Black Friday

So I got up at the ass crack of dawn to fight off a bunch of crazed mothers in Target to get Christmas gifts. I believe this is the first time, ever, that I have gotten most of my Christmas shopping done before the week before Christmas. I am soo proud of myself.

After a while of shopping I gave M a call and went over to his house. He had just gotten off work so we laid on the couch and took a nap together. I love taking naps with him. I love having someone to sleep next to. We spent most of the afternoon between naps and trying to solve episodes of Law and Order before the detectives. As we were laying on the sofa he reached his hands around my neck and started to choke me. Nothing really new or different about that but this time when I touched his hands like I normally do when I feel my air going out he didn't let go. In fact I got panicky. He scared me. Then he did it again. I really enjoyed it despite how scared I had gotten. I guess even though he didn't let go when I touched his hands I knew he would let go eventually. The level of trust that I have with him amazes me some days. But if anything it helps me to realize that I am not as jaded and distrusting as I sometimes like to think I am. It's a good feeling. I feel like a growing.

So I had a good black Friday. Go me.


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