The Story of J

This is my diary.

These are my words, thoughts, feelings, sucesses, failures, desires and fears.

This is my life.

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Location: United States

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

I think he knows!

Today was another dull day of school and work. (My God is it time to get out yet?!) I went to work and settled at my desk. It's been so peaceful since the head admin assistant has been out. She should take vacations more often.

The only thing that stood out about today was my numerous run ins with a particular guy. I see this guy all the time. He helps one of the professors in the department and is often in and out of my office. Plus I think he likes one of the girls in the office. Ironically I saw him a couple weekends back when I went out of town to my monthly BDSM munch. I was sitting in the lobby of the hotel with M as he walked by and waved hello. Of course there was a college-based conference in the same hotel as would be my group. I didn't see him anymore that weekend but that's not to say he didn't see me. Or hear me. *winces*Well today was the first time I had seen him since the trip and all he did was smile at me. No, not the "hey how you are doing" kinda smile. The "I know something" smile. I passed him rather frequently in the halls today and each time he had a wide Cheshire grin on his face. I asked him what he was smiling so much for and he said it was nothing. I highly doubt that. Or maybe he just saw M and I and figured something less complex? Or maybe he was actually happy?

But I wonder, would it be so bad if he knew?

Jury is still out on that one.


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