The Story of J

This is my diary.

These are my words, thoughts, feelings, sucesses, failures, desires and fears.

This is my life.

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Tuesday, October 16, 2007

California Dreamin' - part 2

So am I a little more awake tonight, but not by much.

I guess I covered the basics last night. I mean I could probably write for hours about my weekend but its not really the details that matter. It's the great feeling that I am left with. I did want to add that I got the opportunity to see floggers being made. Wow, I was really intrigued. I have seen hundreds of floggers over the years but you really haven't seen one until you see it being made. You gain a new respect for the work that goes in to it and the hands that wield them. I watched Orpheus do a flogging class and you know, it looks a helluva lot easier when the pros do it. I would probably slap myself silly trying to use one. Though I have added learning how to flog to my list of things to do. Man this list is growing by leaps and bounds.

I've been trying to call O for a couple of days but haven't had much luck with connecting. *pouts* But I have been wanting to tell him thank you for being so inviting and welcoming into his home. Home is a very private space and to invite someone in, is an act of trust. I wish I had more, rather better, words than thank you. I guess a better thing to say is "thank you for inviting me into your life". I am starting to settle back down into life as I know it. My brother was home for the weekend and I have kinda missed little buddy. I let him hug and kiss me today. Yeah. I really have missed him.

Last night I talked to M for a while and gave him the overview of the trip. He was really happy to hear I had such a good time. I tell you, if I don't thank God for anyone ever again, I will will thank him for M. I have never met someone who was so happy to hear when I was happy. We are going to a Halloween party this weekend with my group. I am not as excited this year about it because of how much has gone on in the past year and how big of a rift that has been created between the local area groups. It's really a disappointment. But I have been promising to take M to an event and I always want to support my group. I figure the bad times never last too long. As I always say, "And this too, shall pass".

I got up this morning and rolled over and looked at my clock and groaned. I called my boss to let her know I would be late. I love my job. I got up a little while later to get dressed to attend a luncheon at a church with her about how to connect religion,science/education, spirituality and sexuality. What a great topic! This was right up my alley and I enjoyed speaking to the members at my table about my opinions on the matter. I just wish that there was more time for the dialogs to continue. It's been a while since I have been able to really talk openly about sex and religion. Not really much since the undergrad days. Today was Boss's Day so I bought my boss a bunch of white lilies. Ohh they were so pretty! She really liked them. I really like her. Sometimes I wonder if I like her too much. But she deserves all the admiration she gets. She is a beautiful woman inside and out. I am going to miss her when I leave. I went to work afterwards and worked on yet another program. This fall has been a real pain in my ass with programs and conferences. The only highlight of the "conference season" is my trip to Tampa next month. I managed to squeeze in an extra 2 days to do nothing on the trip. I really want to go and visit my family plot while I am in the city. I think I will make that my official "me time".

I have to get momma to work at 7 in the morning so I think I am going to go to bed early tonight and just do homework in the morning. Ohh how I hate mornings!


I so rarely use names in here anymore because I try to be as respectful of people's privacy as I can. But Orpheus was nice to allow me to use his name in my posts. He made the joke about his name being bolded and glowing. So I found my old graphics program and started playing around today. For him:


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