The Story of J

This is my diary.

These are my words, thoughts, feelings, sucesses, failures, desires and fears.

This is my life.

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Location: United States

Thursday, September 13, 2007


There are some nights when I wonder why I even turn on my computer and tonight is quickly becoming one of those nights.

I started chatting with a friend of mine from a chat room I used to frequent and she told me that Aaron had been in there 2 days ago. I started chewing on the inside of my jaw and fidgeting with papers on my desk. She asked me if I had talked to him lately and I informed her that it had been over 2 years (maybe even 3) since I had even thought of contacting him. She tried to convince me to come in and talk to him but my life is in a different place and the past is not where I want to go. I am curious about whats going on with him but for my own well being I don't think I will feed that curiosity.

I turned on my yahoo messenger and got a message from a submissive guy I know. Not sure if I have ever written about him before but the man is an enigma to me. He is in his late 30's or early 40's, white and has this obsession with black women. He has a desire to serve a black mistress, which usually wouldn't make me bat an eye, but he will take ANY black woman as a mistress. On several occasions he has asked to serve me, which just makes me roll my eyes and tell him no. Though if he keeps pushing I might have him move my furniture come December. He insists on calling me Ms. Jessica and I have repeatedly asked him to just call me Jessica but its rather pointless. He believes all black women are superior, even the submissive ones. I got too much to do in a day to argue him down on things like titles. But anyway, we started talking about Black Beat and things that were going on my life and his when he started asking my friend K. I answered a couple of questions and then it become rapid fire about who she was at dinner with this weekend (that story later) and how she hadn't returned his calls. I started to get frustrated and told him to stop. I hate when people make me their messenger girl. Use the phone, write an email, send a letter, type a text. He then went on to talk about how he guessed that she must not want him since she was at dinner with other men. I politely informed him that she was free to see as many submissives as she liked, especially since there was no arrangement between the 2 of them and then he started inquiring about my other Domme friends. I have come to find that most submissive men annoy me. I am not sure why because I know and have met some that are wonderful but the majority of them grate on my nerves. I think its the whining thing. Whining men are like nails on a chalkboard. Second thought, they are worst.

So ok, last weekend. Well it started early on Saturday morning. I went to pick my friend, M, up. (Have I used that initial yet? Not sure) Our drive was rather nice. I usually rush down the high way but I just let the cruise control do its thing and we talked. He talked for a bit about his ex-fiance' and I laughed and made the comment that I was starting to wonder about his taste in women. We stopped at the nail shop and he got a manicure and I got my toes done (of course) and then we headed to our hotel. The guy working the desk was really nice and recognized M's t-shirt to be from a show he liked. I think it was Dragonball Z. They got to chatting about how few black men were into the show and throughout all this good-natured chatting we got upgraded to a suite for no charge. It was a very beautiful room with a huge balcony and bathroom. We watched football and got in bed to take a nap so we could stay up that night. I like to like my head on his chest while he sleeps because I can feel his breath on the back of my head. He also like to rub my neck, but I think that has alot to do with his enjoyment of choking. We got up that evening and went to dinner with a couple friends of mine from the group. One of them is K and the other one I will call "Sexy" since I have already used her initial. And actually if you ever meet her, the name fits. She some of the nicest looking breasts I have ever seen. Both of them are Dominants. One more than the other. When we got to the restaurant Sexy was sitting at the table with a very quiet white gentleman that we introduced ourselves to. I thought that he was a friend of Sexy's but come to find out he was a friend of K. She came later with another man in tow. We had a really good dinner and during the course of the dinner my friends started to tease me about being the only submissive in our little group of black women and how I would be the test dummy for their new toys. As they described some of the things they had done, I could see M's eyes perk up and I couldn't help but laugh because I knew that look. As we were leaving the restaurant, M opened the door for me, as he always does and Sexy leaned over and asked "He's a dominant and he opens the door for you?" I never really paid any mind to it. He always had. But I guess somewhere there is hidden law that a Dominant man can't be a gentleman and do those things. I dunno. I think its part of his charm. After dinner we headed to the swinger club we were going to for the night and K showed up with a third sub in tow. I quit trying to keep up a long time ago. M and I settled at the bar and watched the Auburn and S. Florida game, which was actually really good. LOL Sexy came around the corner several times and asked us if we planned on moving but we politely pointed out the game wasn't over. That was until someone cut it off in the 4th quarter and put porn on. Yeah I was kinda pissed about that. I mean the 4th quarter? Sheesh. So we walked around a bit and went upstairs where the actual "swinging" takes place. We both love to watch people so we started peeking in windows where people had rooms and started telling Sexy stories about times when we attempted certain positions that had no business being attempted. There is a huge orgy room where you have to strip to at least your underwear before you can go in. I wrapped up in a bathrobe and we sat on these things that kinda look like a cushioned bleachers, that are my favorite seats in the house because you can see everything going on in the room. We sat there and watched people and just chit chatted. The best part was watching this old white guy get a blow job while he drank from what looked like a pimp cup. Have no idea where he got it from but it was hilarious. K and her crew came in a little later and in no time she had found a woman to suck off one of her guys since it was his first time. I leaned over to M and asked him if he wanted me to tell her he was new too and he shook his head before I could even finish my question. After a while I had to pull a drink out of K's hand as it had dawned on me she had well over 6 drinks that night and was starting to become a little loopy. I didn't feel comfortable with her being in that state with 3 men I didn't know but Sexy said she would make sure she got her home ok. At that point M and I left and headed back to the hotel. As we were walking back to the car I leaned against him and he reached for my hand and held it as we walked back. I couldn't even begin to tell you when the last time I had held hands with a guy was, but it was nice. We got back to the hotel and before I even got in the door good he had his hand around my neck and put me on my knees. We almost overslept the next morning for checkout because we had stayed up until about 5:30 that morning. He had to work that night so we didn't have such a slow drive back but he commented to me that he was interested in trying the things that my friends had talked about doing to me. He's never really hit me with anything, except his hand, so it would be interesting to see him with a toy. But I promised him I would introduce him to some people I knew that were very good with floggers and such.

He called me and told me about how much fun he had and how he wanted to go again. Its been a while since I heard him that happy but I was happy to have been a party in that. He has expressed an interest in going with me to the halloween party next month, which I haven't even started looking for a costume for yet. I am thinking Harry Potter-ish. Maybe? Eh. We've talked almost nightly since. It's like meeting him again, for the first time. I don't know if he's changed or if I have. Maybe we both have. But its nice to be in the teaching position for a little bit. I am always the student and always will be but I must admit I am enjoying showing someone else what bits I do know.

Over the course of the few weeks that I have been putting on these health fairs I have been very fortunate to rack up a ton of free stuff. And one of my things is passes to a local women's fitness center. My classmate and I are going to go to belly dancing class on Sunday which I am really excited about. I hate sit ups but I have really wanted to get my stomach back to where it used to be and this looks like its worth a go. I also got passes to another gym where one of the finest black men I have ever met in my life works at. He keeps asking me to come by so I figure I can kill 2 birds with one stone. My mood just went back up. :)


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