The Story of J

This is my diary.

These are my words, thoughts, feelings, sucesses, failures, desires and fears.

This is my life.

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Location: United States

Sunday, October 07, 2007

At Peace

They say that when a person is moments away from death, when they are fully aware that the end is coming and inevitable, when they finally accept what is happening, that they are at peace. In fact it is a more peaceful feeling than they ever have or ever will experience in life. I am not sure how true that is. I guess one day I will find out.

Well today was one of those endings in my life. I left my job that I have been at for the past 8 years. I had been fretting this day for several months but finally something in me told me that it was time for me to move on. My manager looked at me and almost cried as she put in my paperwork. Personally, I felt a sigh of relief. I have put up with hell from my previous company and management and the knowledge that I am moving on to bigger and better things made my separation so much easier. I will miss the girls but most of them are either on facebook or in my phone book so its not really like I left anyone.

Last night I went over to M's house and spent time with him. I had to measure him for a costume for the party (which I am not sure if they are having). I have been trying to convince him to go as the Mad Hatter to go with my Alice in Wonderland costume. Needless to say, that's a no go. *insert pout here* Later in the night he had me strip and kneel between his legs with my hands behind my head. He told me to hold my position as he spanked and bit and pulled on me. I really enjoyed it because it was like a contest of wills and to my own amazement, I held my position. He was surprised as well, which really made me smile. Afterwards, he sat on the sofa and looked at me and said "Do you know how beautiful you look when you like that?" I blushed so hard my cheeks felt hot. They kinda still do. That was by far one of the most heartfelt things I have ever been told.

I fell asleep and he got me up around 4 this morning to send me home and start packing. Gosh I can't believe I will be in California in a few days. I am so excited. I have so much to do. I guess I better get to them. :)


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