The Story of J

This is my diary.

These are my words, thoughts, feelings, sucesses, failures, desires and fears.

This is my life.

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Location: United States

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Another Weekend Roadtrip

I just got home from a nice and peaceful weekend. I wish they all could feel like this.

I got up Friday morning to take momma to work and picked up my daddy and came back home to work on some school stuff. As I was working on my homework I got emails from people on my job (who know I don't work on Friday) and snapped. I sent out a mass email to several people telling my irritation with how people have no regard for deadlines and for my time off. I went into my job later that day to drop off some papers and one of the ladies I work with said one particular lady came in and was peeved by my email. I couldn't help but laugh. I love my job, but the people...the people make me wonder. My boss got the same email and agreed with my words and of course that's all that matters. I do so love her. *insert cheesy smile here* I checked my messages on one of the BDSM sites that hosts profiles and noticed that I had been viewed by a particular dominant. I get several hits a day but what made this one so noticeable is that it was from a Dom I used to talk to years ago. In fact it was his idea for me to start a blog. I remember when he made the request that I keep a blog I was furious at him. He said I never talked to him, nor expressed my thoughts and feelings to him. It was eventually our undoing. I didn't want to talk back then. I didn't want anyone to know how vulnerable I was feeling. I thought it would make me look weak or give people an insight on how to take advantage of me. Three years later and I almost feel like begging people to listen to me. I deleted the first blog and replaced it with this one. I kinda wish I had kept it. I wonder if he reads this one. Who knows. I started to write him but I didn't know what to write. The past is the past and is sometimes best left as such.

M picked me up from the house on Friday around 4. I was trying to get out before my father came home but no such luck. He was remarkably well behaved. He tends to grill any man who even looks at me. But I think that is because he knows and has met M before that he didn't bark too much. We arrived at the hotel and I was a bit irritated to find that my hotel room had been given to the presenter for the weekend. I probably would have taken it better if I hadn't found out that the person who put the presenter in my room wasn't the same man who had annoyed me last month at the fetish flea market. Then to add on to it all, I saw a couple students from the university in the hotel. The last think I needed for for them to see me dressed up. There's a story to tell on Monday. The rooms got fixed and I need to remember to call the hotel 800 number and compliment the lady at the desk. She really helped me out. M and I went to the movies Friday night and saw "Why did I get married?" Awesome movie! Almost worth going to go and see again. M leaned over and whispered that one of the women in the movie reminded him of me. Actually I think I could see bits and pieces of myself in each of the characters. I love Tyler Perry. After the movie we went to an adult store where M bought a set of hog tie restraints. I wasn't too excited about those but luckily we didn't have much of a chance to use them.

Saturday we got up and did some shopping. I like going shopping with him because he likes to dress me. I feel like a doll. Also he never rushes me. I appreciate that. We headed to our first event of the evening which was the anniversary of one of the local groups I belong to. It was nice. We had a good dinner. We were supposed to have a fantasy wrestling presentation but 2 of the 3 wrestlers didn't show. Figures, black people. But the company was very nice. My friend K showed up with yet another new sub. He was a very nice man and I actually liked him alot more than I have any of the other 3000 men I have met. When he spoke of his desire to serve her I couldn't help but smile. It was filled with so much passion and emotion. I really hope she does right by him. I really do. M and I left and headed back to the hotel to get ready for the Halloween party. We settled on the bed and ended up watching Happy Feet. I hadn't seen it before but now I see why the kids love that movie. It is so cute! I showed him my prostrations and he was very entertained by it. He told me I looked good and to keep practicing so I could look better. The encouragement really made me smile I got dressed and headed out the door (since the party is on the same floor as my room) and was met but a bunch of "awww's". I have never been a frilly kind of girl so I think that my choice of costume really took people back a bit. The top of my dress wasn't really made for girl with my bust size so I had bit of a problem trying to keep the girls at bay but no one seemed to mind. In fact I was told by the costume judges I had the best cleavage of the night. Unfortunately the party was small. In fact it was terribly small. It wasn't even half the attendance that we had last year. It almost makes me wonder if this is the beginning of the end. I apologized to M for the small crowd. I had really hoped he would get a chance to watch more than a couple people play. I think we might have to travel out of the area for our next trip. After the party I asked him to take a picture of me so I could show it to my best friend. My camera battery was dying so we were only able to get about 3 shots in. He mentioned he had his camera in the car and I told him it wasn't necessary. He insisted on getting it but I felt bad about him having to walk all the way down stairs just to take a couple more pictures. He then told me that he wanted to take pictures of me for himself and I giggled. I can't wait to see them. I was happy to got to meet some of the people I had told him about in both groups. He got to meet E as well. He said that he was just as I had described him. Several people tried to ask questions about M but I avoided them. I am starting to gain a higher appreciation for privacy lately. Too many times I have invited other people in to my relationships and see them suffer as a result. I have actually considered moving this blog to livejournal or some site like that so that I can make it private. Sometimes I wonder if I write too much here. I got in bed sometime around 2 this morning and fell asleep as soon as I hit the pillow.

We checked out late this morning and went to another mall to look around. I guess we were just killing time, avoiding the trip back home. He got a call from his ex-fiance and started cursing. That is one situation I don't understand but I keep my nose out of. I only listen we he talks about her and try to calm him down when he gets upset. She calls alot lately when he goes out of town with me. I think she misses him. I think he might miss her too. Like I said, I stay out of it. We went to an Asian buffet for dinner. I tried sushi for the first time. It was actually not that bad. The seaweed roll was good. I tried to use the chopsticks but I don't know how. He gave me a set and told me to practice with them for our next dinner. I noticed in the middle of dinner the way I arranged things on the table and sat the plates down. The night I was at IHOP with Orpheus, he talked about paying attention to things on the table. I guess I knew a little something but had done it so often with M that was like second nature. So I wonder, is it knowing the skills or knowing the person?

I fell asleep on the ride home today. It felt like we got there too quickly. When I got home my father opened the door and we hugged. Felt odd to leave without my kiss but with my father standing in the door way, I decided not to risk it. Lord, I will be happy when I have my privacy. Ohh I showed M the apartment I liked. He agreed that he liked it as well. I guess that's a go then. It was a good weekend and I had alot to think about but more importantly it was restful.


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