The Story of J

This is my diary.

These are my words, thoughts, feelings, sucesses, failures, desires and fears.

This is my life.

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Location: United States

Sunday, October 28, 2007

The Phonebook

Today I spent my day cleaning and packing to move, taking the occasional break to get my ass kicked in yahoo chess. It was a boring day. I didn't leave the house until about 2 hours ago to go get pancakes from IHOP. Weird late night cravings. But what made today worth mentioning was the discovery of an old phonebook of mine. It's small and raggedy and was close to hitting the trash until for some reason I decided to thumb through it. It was like I had found a time capsule. In it was the names and numbers of old middle school and high school friends, boyfriends, dates, crushes and some other names who I can no longer identify. I had no idea I had talked to so many guys back then. LOL I wonder what they are all doing now. I saw I had the address of a good friend from high school that I might check in on. I am not sure. Its been almost 8 years since I last talked to her. Gosh, has it been that long? I even found my Canadian pen pal's address and phone number. But among the goldmine of names and numbers in the book, the one that stood out was the phone number of one of the men who introduced me to the lifestyle. He saw my submission in me long before I did. I wonder what he would think of me now. I wonder if he even remembers me. Probably not. Its been 8 years. Amazing.

I am tempted to keep the book but tomorrow its going to the shreader. I am trying to get rid of as much stuff as possible. It gives me an excuse to buy new things. Plus, I have a tendency to want to look up old friends and rekindle past friendships. I'm a sap like that. But I enjoyed my trip down memory lane. It really made me smile.


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