The Story of J

This is my diary.

These are my words, thoughts, feelings, sucesses, failures, desires and fears.

This is my life.

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Location: United States

Monday, October 22, 2007

Alone with my thoughts

Today was a typical Monday. Another day at work. I started working with my first one on one client today and I really enjoyed the time with her. We talked about her adjustment to college life and did some of her homework. She has a bit of a learning disability but I think from what I saw today its just that she processes slowly. I think we will get along just fine. I came home and took a nap and went to class tonight. I wiggled around in my seat alot tonight. I couldn't keep my attention focused. I'm getting in bed early tonight.

The past couple of days I have really been in a mood to talk. I feel like I have a million burning questions and topics to talk about but no one is around to talk to. My best friend is out of town for a funeral and most of my friends are busy with their own lives. I quit my second job last month at the store and its opened some free time for me. I thought it would be a great idea but now I am starting to regret it. I was too busy before to stop and think. Now its almost maddening. So I am going to pick up another activity soon. Anything to save myself from my own thoughts. I do miss my friends lately. I actually kinda feel lonely. Maybe not lonely but rather empty. I feel like I have a void in my life. I am just not sure what the void is, or how to fill it. I talked to an acquaintance of mine earlier tonight, a submissive guy, and he felt I was creating my own drama. I was a little annoyed by his statement but then again, alot of what he says tends to annoy me. Not really sure why we talk sometimes. Outside of the munches, we really don't have much in common. I must really be desperate. But anyway, I told him I was thinking of traveling to see what the lifestyle was like in different areas, cities and states. He said that since he has found a new relationship that he doesn't need the lifestyle. I pray that day never comes for me. I would like for it to be a bigger part of my life than random parties and munches. Not sure how he is able to walk away from this, and if I had more time, I would have asked him such. I remember when I tried to "quit" in college. That was torture. My roommate still laughs about those days. Gosh I miss her too. Damn it I miss everybody. Wow, I am really in a sappy mood.

Eh, Crinkle and I are going to bed so hopefully I can sleep this off.


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