The Story of J

This is my diary.

These are my words, thoughts, feelings, sucesses, failures, desires and fears.

This is my life.

Comments are welcome and appreciated. I only ask that you keep it respectful.

Please keep in mind there is no requirement for you to read this blog. If there is something here you do not like, leave. Thank you, J.

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Location: United States

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Lonely vs. Being Alone

You know it has to be something significant going on in my life for me to come back and post. I suppose I really should have been posting all along. My aunt passed yesterday and having lost momma less than 2 years ago, I am feeling completely broken. What's most painful is the fact that I have realized that for perhaps the first time in my 32 years, I realize that I am alone. I felt lonely many times in my life but I knew there was someone to lean on but now I actually recognize that I am alone. There are no boyfriends, no back ups, no dominants, no submissives, no flirty maybes. Nothing. I suppose I have been so deeply tied to my school work that I some how missed it. I forgot to find a back up. It feels a bit irresponsible of me. I like to think I am better prepared. But given that I am not even sure where to start, I suppose I can't be too hard on myself. I am not sure I know how to date or where to look. That is a dilemma to solve another day. Even Bob doesn't talk to me much anymore. I don't think I have heard much from him since August.

So yeah...I am alone.