The Story of J

This is my diary.

These are my words, thoughts, feelings, sucesses, failures, desires and fears.

This is my life.

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Location: United States

Friday, December 07, 2007

Guess who's coming to dinner- part 2

My first day of vacation and I had to get up early anyway. Blah.

I got up this morning to go to a credit counselor. I was fully prepared for him to go through my credit report and tell me I had years of clean up to do but I was pleasantly surprised. His words to me were "I've seen bad and this is no where near it". It really brought me a sense of relief and he was nice to show me how to get the incorrect information and accounts off my report. It took all of an hour. Quick and simple relief.

As I was getting dressed this morning to go to my appointment I turned on my computer to check the weather and not too long after I had logged in did I see an email from D pop up. He was writing to tell me that he lived in the city next to mine. I was rather amazed to hear that all this time he was literally right down the street (highway). He asked for my phone number again because he has lost his phone (heard that before) and wanted to call me later. I figured that was the end of it....

To my own surprise he called. Not when he said he would, but he did call. I told him I was surprised that he actually came through and he commented that he should beat my ass for talking to him the way I was but I just laughed it off. We caught up on what was going on in each others lives and he was happy to hear I was still in school and finishing in May. He commented that he wanted to come to my graduation. I didn't really respond to that. He never seemed too supportive of my academic pursuits in the past. He asked a few times about my relationship status but I didn't answer those questions either. I think I spent most of the conversation wondering why I was even sitting on the phone with him. Several times he said he missed me and the lifestyle (apparently he has been seeing vanilla women lately). He asked if we could attempt a friendship and I must admit, I would like to attempt such. It takes so much energy to be angry and upset with someone. It's energy I can't afford to waste anymore. We have plans to have dinner next week. I am still working on how I feel about that. It will be the first time we have seen each other face to face in nearly a year. But the time has been a good thing. I don't think I could have talked to him months ago without a long string of curses and swears. We did share a couple laughs during the conversation, which was nice. We did used to joke alot, and quote movies.

Dinner next weekend should be interesting at the least.


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