The Story of J

This is my diary.

These are my words, thoughts, feelings, sucesses, failures, desires and fears.

This is my life.

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Location: United States

Friday, March 14, 2008

The Counselor Writes

I am on the brink of passing out, leaving QWERTY to stamp itself proudly on my forehead. The hour change really took a toll on me this week and therefore I decided that tonight the best thing for me is to go to bed. I was a bit concerned this weekend when I felt myself blinking a few times in sessions. It's a nightmare to think that I may actually fall asleep on one of my clients. Otherwise, the work week was good. I went to my first after hours business mixer and had to giggle at the people filling up on free bear and wine. I opted for the tea *proud smile*. A position is coming open at my job and there has been alot of buzz about who is going to fill it. My supervisor has been pressuring me to apply for it for a couple weeks and today I finally gave in. I figured I needed a back up plan in case my interviews next week in CA don't go so well. My supervisor was really excited when I told her I was going to apply and it really made me smile because I knew for sure at that moment, she liked me. I spoke with my UM and while he does know my desire to go to CA he has been more than upfront with me that if things didn't work out to not worry, he would find me a place in the agency somewhere. He even offered to help me with my interview..(even though he is the one I would be interviewing with). My supervisor helped me to edit my resume and even the office assistants got me resume paper. It's almost hard to leave them. I am glad I have had the chance to be around such caring and nurturing people. They make me happy and when I am happy I feel I can pass that on to a client. I am nervous about my interviews next week and will be spending the weekend preparing myself for whatever questions they may throw at me. I soo hate job seeking. However I am fully and completely looking forward to stepping out and pursing my career to the fullest.

In the mean time, this little intern needs some sleep....zzzz


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