The Story of J

This is my diary.

These are my words, thoughts, feelings, sucesses, failures, desires and fears.

This is my life.

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Location: United States

Monday, December 24, 2007

All dressed up with no where to go

Last night I spent the good part of 3 hours on the phone with D talking about the past and what his plans were for the future. I gave him my personal opinions and what he might want to look at adjusting to achieve his goals and surprisingly he was rather receptive. He mentioned wanting to try to have dinner with me and I just said "sure, whatever". I didn't really expect him to fall through on his end and didn't think much of it. He commented that he wanted to play with me but I told him I would have to pass. Not that the idea of playing with him didn't spark any interest but honestly, I just didn't trust him anymore and that last thing I was interested in was becoming intimate with him. He had a hard time understanding that. I am not sure I could have made it any plainer for him. But in any case I went to bed and didn't really give dinner another thought.

He called this morning and asked if I would come to his city to have dinner with him and I flat out refused. I was not going to drive 2 hours to get stood up again so I told him to come to my city. He agreed to do such and asked if we could meet around 7. I said sure again and went about my day. He called again around 3 and asked if we could move the time up. I was about to wash my hair then and so I told him I would call him back later. After I finished my hair I called him again and he said that he was getting in his car and was on his way. I was a little shocked and was still in my pj's so I pulled out something quick to wear before he got into town. As sure as the grass is green about an hour after he called I got a text message from him that said:

J no bullshit I got a muthafucken flat on [name of highway]. AAA is on the way. I'll call you in a sec
I just looked at the message and shook my head. I knew I was being stood up again. I was all dressed up so I took a small trip to Target to pick up a few items. I gave O a call and he called me back. He made the comment that I should be there. He's made that comment about a million times to me but that time I sincerely agreed with him. I shouldn't be spending my life dealing with the same crap. I should be somewhere, doing something, with someone who appreciates my presence. I called D several times but he never answered his phone. It kills me because I had such high hopes of us reconciling and becoming friends. But the truth of the matter is that all he really represents in my life is a bunch of broken promises, heartache and many nights of crying myself to sleep. I tried my hardest to make amends and hopefully start a good friendship. I asked God to help me find the lesson in this, because I can only hope that there is a lesson to be learned. I wrapped presents tonight, hoping it would put me in better spirits but it didn't really do much for my mood. I just feel hurt. Deeply hurt. Tomorrow is Christmas eve and I want to make the best of it. I don't want to spend my holiday feeling hurt because of one person's thoughtlessness. Just going to try to sleep today off...


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