The Story of J

This is my diary.

These are my words, thoughts, feelings, sucesses, failures, desires and fears.

This is my life.

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Location: United States

Sunday, December 09, 2007

A Good Friend

Good friends are something that I cherish in my life. We don't get the opportunity to pick our families but we do get the opportunity to pick our friends and I love to be surrounded by caring, like-minded, and trustworthy people. I realized today that I had found another good friend to add to my life and to this journey.

I have mentioned her before, but only briefly. Sexy is a 30-something black female Domme. She just got into the lifestyle a year or two ago and unlike alot of people I have come in contact with recently, especially dommes, she is serious about her craft. We have a similar interest in service and she is looking for a submissive who is more service oriented than ones who are simply looking to play. However time has taught me most subs of either gender are geared more toward playing than serving. She has extended the offer to have me stay at her home when I am in town several times but I didn't take her up on it until this weekend. I am glad I did. She left me a key to her place and let me come and go as I needed to. She was supposed to go to a Christmas party and I was supposed to have dinner with a friend but we both ended up eating take-out and have long conversations about the lifestyle and our experiences. I really enjoyed our conversation because I didn't feel like I was being attacked when I would say things that were not so politically correct. I really appreciated the opportunity to speak openly and freely with someone. We had a very good conversation on body image. She is 6' tall with legs that go on for days. She is constantly working out and in my opinion has a great modelesque figure. She talked about how she felt men didn't look at her because she was too tall or because she had a small butt. Many days I have wished I was taller with a smaller butt. Not too much smaller...but smaller still. I was happy that she was open enough to share that with me. Sunday afternoon I met her submissive and we had a talk. He was really nice and extremely friendly and probably one of the only people I have ever talked to outside of a computer who knew much about Gorean ideals (besides those whacked out people who try to live Gor...) I had a really enjoyable weekend. It was lighthearted and easy going and gave me the chance to kinda kick back and relax. I am already looking forward to the next time we can spend time together like that.


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