The Story of J

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Friday, December 07, 2007

Toilet Training

I love to search blogs and read the blogs of other submissives and see what their experiences are like. This blog post was recently brought to my attention:

Discomfort of a new kind

The post is about a submissive who is being trained to use the bathroom at certain times of the day (6:30, 10:30, 2:30, and 6:30) and if she misses using the bathroom at those times of the day she has to either wait until the next time period or pee on herself. She has been given the option of wearing diapers if she wishes. From the post she seems really exhilarated from the experience.

I have conflicted feelings on the subject. I completely understand how she feels about being on a schedule. The control can be orgasmic. Though I am curious about the medical danger of restricting urination. I did a quick Google search on the topic but all I could come up with was pet training. Profound isn't it? I might need to ask a nurse friend of mine about that. But in any case I really found the article interesting because in the past I have had Dominants who enjoyed bathroom control, however not to that extent. My first Daddy made the rule that I had to alert him when I needed to use the bathroom so he could watch. The first couple of times I tried , it was like my body wouldn't budge. When I did finally allow myself to go in his presence he would say "stop" and I could have to try to stop mid stream. I got really good at it after a while. I haven't done that in a while though I might try tonight to see if I still have that control. Then when I was with D, he had a rule that the door had to remain open when I was in the bathroom. I always felt so exposed when I would have rules like that. It excites me and makes me nervous. If anything it makes me more aware of myself and my surroundings. It's taken me years to admit how much I enjoy being nervous and on my toes. I never want to be too comfortable. Comfort tends to make me lazy. I guess that's another way of looking at the blog posters situation. Having to use the bathroom is anything BUT comfortable. I'm not too fond of the reference to being on a schedule a kin to that of being a dog. Pet I can deal with but dog...ohh how I detest that name. For some reason being called a dog turns be off like an ice cold shower. I wonder why that is. Bitch is ok, but dog...ugh. But I am getting off topic. I am curious how many dominants like the idea of a toilet training. Actually it would be wonderful if I could get her owner's POV on this. That would add another interesting dynamic to the post.


Blogger lil pig said...

i enjoyed this post, and not just because you referenced me...:)

You raised a valid point on the medical end of things and how safe it can be. For some i think it can be an issue..for me i was fortunate that it was not. Although i did have a horrible bladder infection that was caused by something and learn. Luckily i have an Owner who is understanding and doesnt want me damaged.. So, care is taken when it comes to certain things.

i am enjoying your blog.

and P.S....your comment about getting lazy when very comfortable. i am all over that! That is me! Unfortunately, i am very comfortable right now.

Keep writing, i will keep reading!

6:49 AM  

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