The Story of J

This is my diary.

These are my words, thoughts, feelings, sucesses, failures, desires and fears.

This is my life.

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Location: United States

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The Graduate Speaks

So its been over 72 hours since my graduation and I now have earned the right to put M.S. behind my name. I felt so proud when I did my email signature today and added those 2 glorious letters behind my name. I am nervous about flying solo in my career but as I was working today I had a moment where I looked at my computer and my office and the amazing amount of work I had accomplished in my day and said to myself "Ha. I am the shit". I am so nervous, the reality of moving across the country is starting to really hit me. The idea that I will be out and about on my own in a very terrifying thought. However it's something I have been talking about for years. Finally after years of college I have time to do my own studying...studying myself. It feels like I should have more homework somewhere. I feel like something else should be in my way. But the truth, there is nothing. The only thing that limits me is money and the more I concentrate the more I find ways to save a dime and earn a dollar. Gosh I had so much to write but the truth is I am uber tired. I really got to get back into writing more and getting back to my roots. I will I promise. I got time now. Wow, imagine that... time.... What a concept.


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